Yes, our oolong and green teas all contain some caffeine. TBH, it’s a little tricky to pinpoint exactly how much, because the caffeine level of a given tea leaf can vary by varietal, growing location, the season's growing conditions, position where it grew on the plant, how its batch was roasted, etc. We’ve probably all heard at some point that caffeine levels in black tea > oolong tea > green tea > white tea, but these generalizations are exactly that — extremely general, and honestly not very helpful! In reality, plenty of green and white teas have more caffeine than black and oolong teas (and vice versa).
The way you brew your tea also has a huge impact on how much caffeine is extracted from the leaves. In general, shorter and cooler brewing = less caffeine in your cup, while longer and hotter brewing = more caffeine.
It's safe to say our teas have less caffeine than coffee. But if you're generally caffeine-sensitive, we'd recommend avoiding our teas just before bedtime, and saving them for a gentle morning or afternoon boost instead :)